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El aprendizaje de habilidades de comunicación básicas en fisioterapia: una propuesta formativa utilizando el vídeo y el paciente simulado en la entrevista clínica

Having observed a deficit in the basic communication skills (CS) when conducting the physiotherapy clinical interview in the students of the Physiotherapy degree at the Rovira i Virgili University, a training program (TP) is applied to improve the current situation. A mixed research method was used, based on the action research method (AR) and the paradigm is qualitative. The study sample consisted of students enrolled in the final year of the Diploma in Physiotherapy, from 2007-8 until 2012-13. The AR method was conducted in two different cycles (Cycle I, Cycle II). In Cycle I the diagnosis of the current situation was made, students were randomly distributed into two groups and the first training Proposal (TP I) was applied. Students in the intervention (IG) and control (CG) groups performed different blended learning methods. IG attended 2 seminars, they carried out 6 E-activities, 3 SSP interviews with video analysis and they got teacher’s feedback. Students from CG attended 4 lectures and they carried out 3 E-activities, 1 SSP interview and the analysis of the recorded interview with feedback. In Cycle II, TP II is applied and the final TP is defined. In this second cycle IG incorporated the following modifications: 3 seminars (video analysis and role-playing), 3 E-activities (deepening of nonverbal CS), third SSP’s feedback and the introduction of the Calgary Cambridge Guide to facilitate the feedback process during video analysis. In CG the number of lectures was decreased. At the end of the process, students from IG outperformed students from CG in self-determination during the clinical interviews, self-perception of the communication skills and they got better scores in MAPE 2 and CICAA Questionnaire. From the IG, the best training method in the students’ opinion was the SSP interview and the worst, the Role-playing session.